Abyssinia Trapper John


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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few questions that have poped-up during the life of this web-site. If you have any queries or questions at all, please don't hesitate to drop me a line at:



Q/ What does Abyssinia mean? Is it part of your name?

A/ No I can't say my parents were that out of it when they named me! Abyssinia is a well-loved phrase of Henry Blake's (and infact the last episode both he and Trapper appeared in was called "Abyssinia Henry"). It means "I'll be seeing you." Just say that phrase really fast and the lightbulb should brighten!


Q/ Why does this site only feature Trapper? What about the rest of them?

A/ In my experience of web-surfing, there are hardly any (if any at all) web-sites dedicated to Trapper John/ Wayne Rogers. There are quite a few on all of the other main M*A*S*H characters, but virtually nothing on Trap. That's basically why I decided to start-up this web site in the first place; to give a voice to Trapper, which is more than what he sometimes had in the show.


Q/ Where did the name "Trapper" come from?

A/ The nickname "Trapper" came from the M*A*S*H Movie, where John McIntyre was discovered in the bathroom stall of a train with a young woman. After being discovered, she claimed that he had "trapped" her. The rest as it seems, is history!
