Abyssinia Trapper John


Trapper At A Glance
Trapper's Finale
Trapper Quotes
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I will be more grateful than a blown-out candle on a birthday cake if you'll sign my guestbook!

Responses will be posted within a week, and are held in very high esteem!

Full name:
Email address:
Favourite Sauce:

Full Name: *cough* um, can i say, miss tree? (run it together)

Email Address: misstree@hotmail.com

Favourite Sauce: hmm tomato

Comment: OMIGOD I JUST LOVE YOUR SITE! I stumbled across it while searching for a fan base for Trapper and here it was! What great luck! I've added it to my favourites and visit at least once a day! Thanks so much, you've changed my world for the better! Abyssinia!!!

Full Name: Mary Elizabeth Ryan

Email: mazza_ry@hotmail.com

Favourite Sauce: chocolate?

Comment: Hi, I'd just like to say this is a neat site! I'm with a volunteer organization that randomly searches the internet and assesses the quality of sites. I'm very impressed with your site, there is no crass or offensive language and overall I'd give your site a rating of PG.

Please know that your site has my full endorsment (oh and I love the theme - what a great show that was!)

Yours sincerly,
Mary Elizabeth Ryan

Name: Lauren

Email: (prefer not to disclose)

Favourite Sauce:: um, apple?

Comment: Hi! I'm the friend of the site maker (is that right?) and I'd just like to say I think it's wonderful, couldn't have done a better job, fantastic! And if you haven't had a look around GO AND DO IT! You don't know what you're missing out on!


Full Name: Jester

Email: Zigiban@Yabberchat.com

Favourite Sauce::

Comment: Kewl.. love the site!!! I love mash.. its one of the greatest sitcoms ever.. I posted
the link on Yabberchat.com when you came in..


Full Name: May


Favourite Sauce:: Tomato

Comment: Oh wow! This is the best site I've ever run into!! Fabulous to see the mash in not
just our potatos! Luv this site and everything it stands

Full Name: Moosie E. Antelope


Favourite Sauce:: vegemite for sure...on anything!!

Comment: Best site I've seen in a long time. A very provocative topic. I wasn't aware that the creator of this site was a creator of sites.
I think that is grrreat! Keep up the good
work, I'll check back here often.

A Moosie friend


Full Name: Becca T

Email: BecBizR@aol.com

Favourite Sauce:: Mint sauce

Comment: Brilliant - a Trapper site, so long overdue! This went straight into my Favourtites.
M*A*S*H is my fave show, Trapper is my fave character, and I love this site! Keep up the great work :)

Full Name: Luisa aka "Laxative Man"

Email: laxative_man@hotmail.com

Favourite Sauce:: Cheese Sauce

Comment: Trapper rules!!!
Hawkeye rocks!!!
But, you *CENSORED*, I've already told you that!
Fresh veggies, yeah!
And Lauren, stop sucking up just because you want to cheat off her in end-of-year exams!
I like the site, by the way.

Full Name: Veerle De Cuyper

Email: veerledecuyper@hotmail.com

Favourite Sauce::

Comment: hi, I'm 19 years old and I wanne tell you just how greatfull I am to you for dedicating
a site to Trapper John. I think most people do not see what an amazing character he is. when
he left the show, I was feeling kinda depressed. I really love Trapper. I know Hawkeye is the
star of the show(he is in fact fabulous too!), but M*A*S*H was never the same again after Traps
departure! I only found out that the show was airing in my country when M*A*S*H was already
in its second season, so I missed a lot of episodes. I'm hoping on getting my hands on the
three fist seasons very soon.
In the mean time I'm renting every movie Wayne stars in that I can find!!
lots of love,
p.s.: thanx again for this site. I really LOVE it!!

Full Name: Laura Hyams


Favourite Sauce:: Anything that can be licked off!!!!

Comment: Darling, what can I say? If I am going to be honest, if it was anyone but you, i'd
beat them up for being a nerd. But, from you, it's completely endearing.
Love laura xxx

Full Name: Katie

Email: tell ya when i know ya better

Favourite Sauce:: Chocolate fudge

Comment: You, my dear, ROCK
I love it i love it i love it i love it
Life could only be better if the delectable Wayne Rogers was not the same age as my Grandad

Name: Robyn

Email: robyn1212@hotmail.com

Favourite Sauce: Chocolate

Comment: I found your site in your profile on Fanfiction.net. A real awesome site. Trapper
isn't my most favorite character but he's up there on my list. Bye!

Name: M Patel

Email: m3patel@netzero.com

Favourite Sauce: Igor's surprise

Comment: Your website is great! I love the quote section and the fan fiction. I appreiciate
you taking the time to do this and allowing my to revel in the humor of what I consider the best show ever.


Name: Kirsten

Email: HawkeyeGirl2001@aol.com

Favourite Sauce: Tomatoe Sauce

Comment: Hi,
I Like Your Trapper Web Site Keep Up The Great Work.
All of The Seasons Of M*A*S*H Were Good.
From A Big Alan Alda M*A*S*H Fan Kirsten


Name: Zartan

Email: c4bdr1v3r@hotmail.com

Favourite Sauce: http://my.stratos.net/~elukacs/mash.html

Comment: I heard from my friend John that you are a huge fan of M*A*S*H


Name: Mark O'Neill

Email: markaon@yahoo.com

Favourite Sauce: Smucker's Marshmallow

Comment: I just happeneed upon this site and couldn't agree more. MASH was never the same
when Trapper went home, and all I could think of when I saw the recent MASH reunion and there
was a quick shot of Alan Alda and Wayne Rogers laughing together(at the reunion)was how I missed
THOSE two hanging out together. I am currently trying to get all of their addresses to submit
my proposal for a 4077th reunion.
Feel free to check out my comic strip on United Feature Syndicate's web page. POTLUCK PARISH
is at www.comics.com and is for "anyone" to enjoy. Thanks..Mark

Name: blue

Email: blueiguana42@yahoo.com

Favourite Sauce: chocolate

Comment: I love this website. It is, sadly, one of a very few sites dedicated to Wayne Rogers.
He has been in some great films (ever see Cool Hand Luke? Wayne AND Paul Newman! Yum!) and
he was one of the more intriguing characters on M*A*S*H. I had the same reaction as Mark,
when I saw the 30th reuninon, I realized again how much I missed Wayne Rogers and Alan Alda
together. The show truly lost a great character; I'm sorry that he wasn't developed more.
Even though he is often described as lecherous, he was a family man: he tried to go AWOL to
get home to hug his girls and make love to his wife; and remember the episode when he almost
adopted the little boy? There should have been more episodes like that.
And I don't care if he is older than my father, he was still scruptious at that reunion. I'd
take him.
It's nice to see that I am not the only one with an obsessive crush. Everyone else says
Great site. This immediately went to my favorites.
