There were many unsung heros on the hit TV show M*A*S*H. Many brave but barely credited men and women who faced the grind of the make-up brush everyday to look decidedly not made up in a war zone. Many for whom the colour kakhi did nothing for, but who still rallied up their strength in doning their army outfits. This site is dedicated to one such person who has gone too long in the shaddow of so many others before and after him...
Yes, it is to TRAPPER JOHN (Captain John Francis Xavier McIntyre) that this page is dedicated to. Trapper, played by Wayne Rogers was Hawkeye's original cohort in the TV series M*A*S*H and in my obviously unbias opinion, was by far and away the best character to have ever graced the series.
Trapper had many a great line and great scene and there is many an example of that on this site!
However, he was frequently playing "second fiddle" to Hawkeye, which became the demise of his character and of Wayne Rogers in M*A*S*H. When Wayne left M*A*S*H, he was sued for breach of contract, but the case was thrown out because he had no contract. Producers wanted him to sign a morality clause, in which he could be suspended or fired at any time, and he refused because he wanted the same privilege regarding the producers.
Trapper featured on M*A*S*H for 3 years, and what a 3 years! On this site you can find info, piccys, and other relative knick-knacks to those best 3 years of TV viewing.
Be sure to get in touch with your thoughts and site suggestions. I'll be updating frequently, so please check back often.
M*A*S*H is TM & © Twentieth Century Fox
This site is not endorsed by Wayne Rogers, and remains completly unauthorised.
This site is created and maintained by Tanya (2002)
